How to Use Shopify with Shippo

If you have a Shopify store, it’s most likely the center of your operations. Shippo makes it easy to connect orders from your Shopify store and ship directly from our app. 

In this guide, we will go over how to connect, manage, and troubleshoot your Shopify store with Shippo!

The Shippo/Shopify connection allows Shopify merchants to manage order fulfillment:

How to Connect Your Shippo Account 

When you install the Shippo app in Shopify and link your store to Shippo, Shippo will automatically import your Shopify orders to your Shippo account. You can then create and purchase shipping labels for those orders. 

To connect to your Shopify store:

  • Click on the Settings icon
  • Visit the Stores tab
  • Click on Shopify
  • On the Connect store page, enter your Shopify store URL
  • Click the Continue button

If you already have a store connected:

  • Click on the Settings icon
  • Visit the Stores tab
  • Click the Connect store button
  • From the sidebar, click on Shopify
  • On the Connect store page, enter your Shopify store URL
  • Click the Continue button

Your store orders will then begin populating the Orders Page and can be identified by the store icon. If you are connected to multiple stores, you can easily identify which store your orders came from. 

Create a Shipping Label

When you create a shipping label for your Shopify order using Shippo, Shippo can send the tracking number and fulfillment update over to Shopify automatically. You'll need to first enable the Shopify sync and fulfillment settings on the Settings Page (Stores) in Shippo. 

Enabling Automatic Fulfillment 

In Shopify, you will need to have all of your inventory items set to manual fulfillment.

  • Navigate to the Shippo Settings Page (Stores) by clicking Settings and then Stores in the left navigation panel, then click Manage along the top toolbar. 

Here, you'll see the settings to:

  • Sync Tracking Numbers on Shopify
    Checking the box to Sync tracking numbers on Shopify will allow the tracking number to sync back to Shopify when you purchase the label for the order in Shippo. This will also automatically mark all items in the Shopify order as fulfilled in Shopify. The exception is if you've used partial order fulfillment — Partial order fulfillment for Shopify. 
  • Send Shopify notification to the customer
    Checking the box to Send notification to the customer via Shopify will trigger your Shopify email template to be sent from Shopify to your customer when the order is marked fulfilled in Shopify. This happens only if you have the Sync tracking numbers and mark orders as fulfilled in Shopify checkbox marked as well. If you prefer to send the Shippo email notification, uncheck this box and set up the Shippo email notification
  • Include POS orders from Shopify
    Shippo, by default, will exclude POS orders from Shopify when orders are imported. If you prefer to have your Shopify POS orders imported to Shippo, you can check this box. This will allow all POS orders to always import along with your other orders. 
  • Click the Save button when you are finished configuring your settings. 

Troubleshooting Fulfillment 

If orders are not being marked fulfilled automatically in Shopify, please check the section above on Enabling Automatic Fulfillment to ensure that your account is set up properly.

If orders are still not marked fulfilled, please consider the following:

1. All items in your inventory in Shopify should be set to manual fulfillment. 

All of the items in your Shopify order will need to be set for manual fulfillment in Shopify for Shippo to update fulfillment and send the tracking number to Shopify automatically. If even one item in the order has been set to automatic fulfillment in your Shopify inventory, the order fulfillment cannot be updated automatically.

2. For the shipping label, you must use a Shopify Location that was imported to Shippo as your Sender Address. 

Shopify requires that a Shopify Location be used as the sender address when fulfilling orders in Shippo. If a sender address is used that is not an imported Shopify location, Shippo will not be able to send the tracking number and fulfillment update for that order to Shopify. 

3. You must have inventory assigned to the Shopify Location that you use for your Sender Address for the shipping label. 

Each item in the Shopify order must have inventory assigned at the location that you select to use for the sender address when you create the shipping label in Shippo.

Example: You sell red notebooks and blue pens. You have a Shopify Location in California and one in New York. All of your inventory for red notebooks is assigned to the California location in Shopify. All of your inventory of blue pens is assigned to the New York location in Shopify. Your customer orders one red notebook and one blue pen, and you purchase the shipping label in Shippo using the California location for the sender's address. Shippo will not be able to update fulfillment in Shopify automatically and will not be able to send the tracking number to Shopify. This is because one item in the order, the blue pen, had no inventory assigned to the California location. 

4. Orders will not be marked fulfilled automatically if any items in the order use third-party fulfillment or drop shipping. 

Example: A customer orders two T-shirts. One t-shirt will be sent by you, but the other t-shirt will be prepared/fulfilled/shipped by Printify. You use Shippo to create a shipping label only for the one t-shirt in the order. Shippo will not be able to update fulfillment or send the tracking number to Shopify because one of the items in the order was fulfilled by a third party.


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