Export Shipments from Shippo via CSV

Shippers often want the gritty details (numbers, dates, etc.) from their past shipments. We've heard you loud and clear, and we've got you covered!

Shippo has an export feature that allows you to pull reports with all shipment data (e.g., order numbers, recipient information, shipping rates, insurance paid, etc.). You can use this feature to aggregate information for monthly billing or to log the number of shipments you create in a chosen date range.


How to Export Your Shipments

  • Open the Shipments Page in Shippo and click Export.
  • Enter your desired date range.
  • Click the green Export button.

Your report will be generated in a CSV file. You can then use this report to calculate the shipping cost spent or use the recipient information as an address book that you can reimport into Shippo:



Date ranges allow for a maximum of 90 days for each export.


Excel's scientific notation

Microsoft Excel will sometimes reformat tracking numbers to scientific notation format (9.20559E+25). A quick solution is to upload your downloaded CSV file directly into your Google Drive and then open with Google Sheets.

Here's how:

  1. Export file from Shippo (don't open it in Excel!)
  2. Open your Google Drive.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select File Upload and select the file from your computer (or drag and drop the file into your Google Drive).

This should result in full tracking numbers!


Learn more:

To learn about importing a CSV file into Shippo, you can view this article from our Help Center. 


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