For domestic shipping in countries other than the United States, Shippo supports FedEx, DHL Express, and UPS as long as those services exist within that country and your account is enabled for domestic shipping.
For example, if you have a DHL Express UK account, as long as your account is enabled for domestic shipping within the UK, then you will see those domestic rates in Shippo because DHL offers domestic shipping within the UK.
However, domestic shipping within Australia is unavailable with DHL; therefore, DHL rates will not be displayed in Shippo for domestic shipments within Australia.
UPS is a shipping option in Canada with Shippo! Whether or not you have a personal UPS account, you can ship within Canada when connected to Shippo's UPS Carrier Account.
We also support local carriers, such as Canada Post in Canada. For our full list of supported carriers, you can check out Carriers Supported by Shippo.
Even though domestic shipping may be available from FedEx/UPS/DHL, domestic shipping is unavailable within India with Shippo.